Film and Empire med bl a Laura Mulvey

London, 7-9th July 2010, Film and Empire

Wednesday, 7th July

5pm: welcome (Lee Grieveson & Colin MacCabe)

Screening: Black Balance (Filipa Cesar, 2010); works from the archives, introduced by Nigel Algar, Kay Gladstone, and Patrick Russell

Thursday, 8th July

9am: registration and coffee

9.45: Plenary paper: Colin MacCabe (Birkbeck College, University of London/University of Pittsburgh), tbc

10.45-11: Coffee

11-12.30: Panel: Early cinema’s encounter with empire:

Ian Christie (Birkbeck College, University of London), “Imperial arrivals and departures.”

Aboubakar Sanago (Carleton University), “The politics and poetics of early colonial cinema.”

Richard Smith and Toby Haggith (Goldsmiths College, University of London; Imperial War Museum), “Moving image representations of imperial troops in the First World War.”

12.30-1.15 Lunch

1.15-2.45: Panel: The State of colonial documentary:

Tom Rice (Colonial Moving Images project), “From the Colonies to Britain (and back again): British Instructional Films and The Empire Series (1925-1928).”

Lee Grieveson (University College London), “The cinema and the (common)wealth of nations.”

Peter Bloom (University of California at Santa Barbara), “Adult education and the documentary cinema of the Empire Marketing Board.”

2.45-3.15: Coffee

3.15-4.45: Panel: The sponsored film:

James Burns (Clemson University), “The Rockefeller foundation and early colonial film making.”

Scott Anthony (University of Manchester), “Rotha’s empire: An Internationalist attempt to paint the British Empire red.”

4.45-5.45: Plenary paper: Ashish Rajadhyaksha (Centre for the Study of Culture and Society, Bangalore), “Colonial film policy in India after the 1925 Imperial Conference.”

Reception, 7.30-9.30, Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies

Friday, 9th July

9am-10.00: Plenary paper: Charles Musser (Yale University), “Paul Robeson and the cinema of empire.”

10-10.30: Coffee

10.30-11.45: Panel: Work, travel, craft

Heida Johannsdottir (University College London), “Labour, consumption, and colonised bodies.”

Karolina Kendall-Bush (University College London), “Travelling through the heart of empire.”

Michael McCluskey (University College London), “Crafting an image of empire.”

11.45-1.00: Panel: The home and the mission

Francis Gooding (Colonial Moving Images project), “The school, the hospital and the collection box: British missionary priorities on film.”

Emma Sandon (Birkbeck College, University of London), “Missionary film in Africa and India during British colonial rule.”

Veena Hariharan (University of Southern California), “The I in Colonial documentary.”

1.00-1.45: Lunch

1.45-3.15: Panel: Africa and Empire between the Wars

Rosaleen Smyth (Independent scholar), “The cinema and Britain’s African colonies in the inter-war years.”

Aaron Windel (University of Minnesota), “The Bantu Educational Kinema Experiment and the political economy of East and Central Africa.”

Vincent Bouchard (University of Louisiana at Lafayette), “Nigeria Health Propaganda & Bantu Educational Cinema Experiment: Colonial Film Unit’s precursors?”

3.15-3.30: Coffee

3.30-4.30: Panel: War and empire

Martin Stollery (Open University), “The Crown Film Unit and representing the Empire war effort.”

Ian Kikuchi (Imperial War Museum), “South East Asia Command Film Unit.”

4.30-5.30: Plenary paper:  Laura Mulvey (Birkbeck College, University of London), “The compilation and the archive.”


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