Screening the past

Vreni Hockenjos som disputerade i Stockholm om Strindberg and Visual Media har nu, tillsammans med Stephen Donovan, varit redaktör för senaste numret av nättidskriften Screening the past. Det aktuella numret handlar om den koloniala filmen Rose of Rhodesia - som även finns att se här!
"The Rose of Rhodesia (1918) by Harold M. Shaw is one of the earliest remaining feature films shot in Africa. Issue #25 of Screening the Past offers the first critical assessment of the film that until recently was thought lost. Essays by specialists in an array of fields situate the film in the context of South African cinema history, silent film conventions, performance styles, popular literature, imperialism, and political struggle in Zimbabwe today. Guest-edited by Stephen Donovan and Vreni Hockenjos, and in collaboration with the Nederlands Filmmuseum, this special issue includes a streamed version of the restored print of The Rose of Rhodesia with new music by Matti Bye and Kristian Holmgren."

Vreni Hockenjos som disputerade i Stockholm om Strindberg and Visual Media har nu, tillsammans med Stephen Donovan, varit redaktör för senaste numret av nättidskriften Screening the past. Det aktuella numret handlar om den koloniala filmen Rose of Rhodesia - som även finns att se här!
"The Rose of Rhodesia (1918) by Harold M. Shaw is one of the earliest remaining feature films shot in Africa. Issue #25 of Screening the Past offers the first critical assessment of the film that until recently was thought lost. Essays by specialists in an array of fields situate the film in the context of South African cinema history, silent film conventions, performance styles, popular literature, imperialism, and political struggle in Zimbabwe today. Guest-edited by Stephen Donovan and Vreni Hockenjos, and in collaboration with the Nederlands Filmmuseum, this special issue includes a streamed version of the restored print of The Rose of Rhodesia with new music by Matti Bye and Kristian Holmgren."