”Det enda rationella” prisad i Lübeck
källa: Filmnyheterna. 2009-11-09 Susanne Roger
Juryns motivering:
“What is one of our deepest fears? That our dream of everlasting love could come to an end one day. An affair puts two befriended couples to the test. In an attempt to save their lifelong love, they try to find "a sensible solution" to their problem: an apartment-sharing community in which feelings are discussed, managed and lived openly. After all, one is grown up. In a surprisingly honest and consequent manner, the film accompanies the utopia of two couples who desperately try to do everything right. Great actors who are unafraid of direct and vulnerable moments lead us through a story that is both crazy and very close to real life. A film in which four people fight for their love: yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's.”
“Det enda rationella” är producerad av Helena Danielsson (Hepp Film) och manuset är skrivet av Jens Jonsson. Filmen hade svensk premiär den 25 september och distribueras av Nordisk Film.
Jörgen Bergmarks film ”Det enda rationella” belönades med NDR Award under nordiska filmdagarna i Lübeck. Även Erik Gandinis ”Videocracy” uppmärksammades i helgen och tilldelades juryns specialpris på Sheffield Doc/Fest.
För första gången på fem år vann en svensk film det stora huvudpriset NDR Award (Norddeutscher Rundfunk) under de nordiska filmdagarna i Lübeck. Jörgen Bergmarks ”Det enda rationella” tog hem segern och 12 500 euro i konkurrens med 16 andra spelfilmer.
![]() Regissören Jörgen Bergmark fick ta emot det stora huvudpriset i Lübeck för filmen "Det enda rationella". Foto: Sigurd Moe Hetland |
“What is one of our deepest fears? That our dream of everlasting love could come to an end one day. An affair puts two befriended couples to the test. In an attempt to save their lifelong love, they try to find "a sensible solution" to their problem: an apartment-sharing community in which feelings are discussed, managed and lived openly. After all, one is grown up. In a surprisingly honest and consequent manner, the film accompanies the utopia of two couples who desperately try to do everything right. Great actors who are unafraid of direct and vulnerable moments lead us through a story that is both crazy and very close to real life. A film in which four people fight for their love: yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's.”
“Det enda rationella” är producerad av Helena Danielsson (Hepp Film) och manuset är skrivet av Jens Jonsson. Filmen hade svensk premiär den 25 september och distribueras av Nordisk Film.
Läs mer om Nordische Filmtage
På engelska Sheffield Doc/Fest fick Erik Gandinis film ”Videocracy” juryns specialpris.
”Videocracy” gick upp på svenska biografer den 28 augusti och distribueras av Folkets Bio.